The Big 4 Music Industry.

Questionnaire Analysis

Media Deconstructions

Music Magazine Montage

Thursday 10 May 2012

Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 5
How did you address/attract your target audience?

To attract and address my target audience I had to incorporate all forms and conventions I have mentioned above. My target audience prefer bright colours, current artists, celebrity gossip and so I included these factors with the intention to attract my target audience.

By using models that are the same age range as my target audience I felt that this would attract them more as they are seeing someone their age on a magazine that they would enjoy reading, imagining that they could one day be in that position. 

The idea of creating a front cover, contents page and double page spread that looks similar to club that represents fun and having a good time, the reader would hopefully have a good time and have fun whilst reading this magazine and get a buzz that they would normally feel whilst being in a club.

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