The Big 4 Music Industry.

Questionnaire Analysis

Media Deconstructions

Music Magazine Montage

Thursday 10 May 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you've learnt from the progression from it to full product?

By using the preliminary task as a basic starting point of what we would have to eventually create it was a good experience as we knew what to expect when creating our final media product. Although it was a lot harder for me personally to complete the preliminary task due to the fact I was a novice when it came to Photoshop I managed to come to grips with the way Photoshop works and that helped me a lot when it came to creating my magazine. By learning new ways to construct a piece of media, this will help me in the future if I ever want to take up a career in media. The knowledge I have gained since completing the preliminary task has overwhelmed me as I never thought I would be able to successfully construct a media product never mind creating a final media product.

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through using various technologies to create this product I have learnt that unless you know how to use the various technologies well, you won’t be able to create a very appealing product. By using Photoshop, Blogger, and SlideShare all together and interlinking them to present our work, I have found that Photoshop has proved to be the hardest technology to come to grips with. As I started to use Photoshop as a complete novice, I have had to learn what the correct tools are in order to create the best final product possible. SlideShare and Blogger I have used before and so I knew how to relate to them when thinking of ways to present my work.

Creating a media product is hard work unless you put the time and dedication into making it the best it can be

Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 5
How did you address/attract your target audience?

To attract and address my target audience I had to incorporate all forms and conventions I have mentioned above. My target audience prefer bright colours, current artists, celebrity gossip and so I included these factors with the intention to attract my target audience.

By using models that are the same age range as my target audience I felt that this would attract them more as they are seeing someone their age on a magazine that they would enjoy reading, imagining that they could one day be in that position. 

The idea of creating a front cover, contents page and double page spread that looks similar to club that represents fun and having a good time, the reader would hopefully have a good time and have fun whilst reading this magazine and get a buzz that they would normally feel whilst being in a club.

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 4
Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be males and females between the ages of 16 to 25 due to the fact as I am able to relate to the target audience in question. I am also able to detect what is liked and what is not within this area of target audiences. Through this I know that the age range I am aiming at likes club scenes, new fresh up to date music, mainstream artists and new, fresh fashion.

My magazine would be focused on the genre of Dance music which is the most popular amongst the age range in question and will be at an affordable price of £2.50. Through thinking about the correct genre I have decided that the right colour scheme for this type of magazine would be benefitted by including bright bold colours that are eye catching and lure in the specific target audiences. Deciding my magazine name was proved to be the most difficult as I had to research what names attracted my target audience and so by deciding to do a poll amongst my class peers Colossal proved to be the most popular. Through this poll I also discovered the colour scheme that would most attract the target audience and what price would be the best and also what artists should I include if I was to include any other mainstream artists.

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Distribution in the media refers to the process of marketing and supplying goods to specific retailers. Distributing is the most important process when creating a magazine as it means you are getting it out to your target audience. Where you distribute is also something you would have to think about as the right retailer could mean an increase in popularity of your product. 

A company such as Comag would be a good institution to distribute my media product. Comag is one of the largest newsstand distributors and the largest exporter of English magazines. A distributor with this much popularity would mean that my magazine would be able to gain a mass amount of popularity within a small space of time due to the good reputation of Comag. Comag also have a big online presence in the magazine industry and so online promotion would be a good way of distributing the magazine as many young people would see my magazine and would then want to buy it either online or in the shops.

Again, my magazine would gain a mass amount of popularity through using a company such as Comag, and so by researching the right distributors the right people will see the magazine.

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The term “represent” refers to the portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.

Within the media the term “represent” usual means to re represent something. It refers to the construction of aspects of reality such as people, places, events etc. This representation may be interpreted in speech or writing or moving pictures.

Within in my magazine the pictures connote a similar representation throughout all of them. My front cover represents a club scene which is usually a stereotypical scene for people aged between 16 and 25. My contents page displays colours, images and artists that again would be stereotypically related to this age of people. My contents page also includes the same form of representation.

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convention of a real media product?

As I have decided to aim my magazine at both genders aiming at an age of around 16 to 25, I had to research the forms and conventions used in real magazines in order to know how to gain the correct target audience.
 By conducting this research I have discovered that my target audience prefer modern language, bright colours, and up to date artists being interviewed.
By comparing my magazine to other real magazines I have clearly incorporated the forms and conventions used to gain my target audience. I have used bright colours, clear cover lines, bold mast head, up to date artists and other eye catching articles to lure the audience in. My contents page includes images of my artists as well as other mainstream artists that also aim to attract the same target audience. I have also included clear visible page numbers that include what that page will include and have embedded bright attractive colours that are eye catching to the audience. My contents page includes and article about my artists and also images that have been taken of that image in order to appeal to the audience. Like mainstream magazines I have included questions that would’ve been asked to the artists in order to give the audience an opportunity to get to know the artists better which is what many fans of an artist would want to do.
 Overall it is clear that my magazine uses forms and conventions that other mature magazines would include. By looking at these other magazines I have realised that this has helped me to create my magazine. By using obvious forms and conventions it is obvious to the target audience that this magazine is aimed at them. 

Tuesday 13 March 2012

My Media Magazine FINISHED!!!


These are my magazine pages all done and finished. The double page spread proved to be the hardest out of the three as the front cover proved to be the easiest to me personally. This was due to technical problems with Photoshop and many other problems.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Napster and Spotify

File:Napster corporate logo.svgNapster is a name given to two music-focused online services. It was originally founded as a pioneering peer-to-peer file sharing Internet service that emphasized sharing audio files, typically music, encoded in MP3 format. The original company ran into legal difficulties over copyright infringement, ceased operations and was eventually acquired by Roxio. In its second incarnation Napster became an online music store until it merged with Rhapsody on 1 December 2011. 

The music industry made the following claims against Napster:
  1. That its users were directly infringing the plaintiffs' copyrights.
  2. That Napster was liable for contributory infringement of the plaintiffs' copyrights.
  3. That Napster was liable for vicarious infringement of the plaintiffs' copyrights.
Napster lost the case in the District Court and appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Although the Ninth Circuit found that Napster was capable of commercially significant non-infringing uses, it affirmed the District Court's decision. On remand, the District Court ordered Napster to monitor the activities of its network and to block access to infringing material when notified of that material's location. Napster was unable to do this, and so shut down its service in July 2001. Napster finally declared itself bankrupt in 2002 and sold its assets. It had already been offline since the previous year owing to the effect of the court rulings. 

Spotify is a Swedish DRM-based music streaming service offering streaming of selected music from a range of major and independent record labels, including Sony, EMI, Warner Music Group, and Universal. Launched in October 2008 by Swedish startup Spotify AB, the service had approximately ten million users as of 15 September 2010; about 2.5 million of whom were paying members. The service is, as of November 2011, available in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the Unites States. 

A six month free trial period is activated upon initial login with a Facebook account, where a user can listen to an unlimited amount of music supported by visual and radio-style advertising. After the trial, Spotify will make tracks unavailable once they are played 5 times and has a listening limit of ten hours per month. 

An active Facebook account is required to use Spotify, unless the user has registered for a Spotify-only account before 22 September 2011. Subscriptions are restricted to people with credit/debit cards or PayPal accounts registered in certain countries.

Friday 17 February 2012

This is the near finished contents page that will be featured on my Music Magazine. This should be finished with some more minor editing so should be finished soon.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

My Magazine Cover - step 1

This is the first stage of my magazine cover. the cover lines have recently been added along with the barcode and the coloured speakers. 

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Video - My Progress

This is the video in which i explain what I have got up to in terms of my magazine.